BJERG Green Lab

Sustain­able archi­tec­ture is our big motivation. 

That is why we make a virtue of being up-to-date in the field. BJERG Green Lab is our devel­op­ment depart­ment, where, based on our own projects, we exam­ine and focus on the archi­tec­ture of the green transition.

In this way, we feel better equipped to design sustain­able archi­tec­ture, which not only meets the require­ments of the build­ing regu­la­tions and the volun­tary sustain­abil­ity class, but is even more ambitious.

We believe that knowl­edge shar­ing is impor­tant in the green tran­si­tion. BJERG engages in vari­ous networks, makes presen­ta­tions about our research at inter­na­tional and national confer­ences and at educa­tional insti­tu­tions. We also partic­i­pate in the govern­men­t’s climate part­ner­ship committee.

BJERG Green Lab inves­ti­gates in partic­u­lar how we can contribute in our work to achiev­ing the national polit­i­cal goal of a CO2 reduc­tion of 70% in 2030.
Below you can read some of our latest studies. 

If you are curi­ous to hear more about our stud­ies or themes such as passive houses, energy-effi­cient archi­tec­ture, green outdoor spaces or respon­si­ble mate­r­ial selec­tion, you are most welcome to contact us. We will gladly tell you more or come out and make a presentation.

Facade af byggeri Toftebo


Passive house reno­vated 10 years of CO2e experience 

In Denmark, it has been polit­i­cally decided to reduce emis­sions from all sectors by 70% until 2030. This paper looks at whether reno­va­tion of typi­cal houses can make a contri­bu­tion to reduc­ing CO2 emis­sions based on measured values and compares measured values with
calcu­lated values over a measured period over 5 years (2016–2021).