With 30 built daycare institutions, children's lives and daily routines are an integral part of BJERG's DNA. We LOVE being part of providing children with the best start in life.

"The Child's Green Universe" is the name of our strategy for designing daycare institutions. Here, we address all the design aspects that are relevant for both children and staff.

There's no doubt that the architecture of these institutions plays several crucial roles. It shall support well-being, play, development and learning, and above all, contribute to create security for both children and educators. In the Child's Green Universe, we take sustainability seriously – for instance, with initiatives aimed at providing a satisfying indoor environment, reducing energy consumption, and promoting biodiversity.

Learn more here and contact us to find out how we can assist you.

The Child's Green Universe 22 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Kinder­garten in Chengdu, China
The Child's Green Universe 24 | Bjerg Arkitektur

30 built


The Child's Green Universe 26 | Bjerg Arkitektur

5 coun­tries

Denmark, Norway, Poland, Gern­many & China 

The Child's Green Universe 28 | Bjerg Arkitektur

55 drawn




We have a clear strategy for providing children and educators with the best conditions for a pleasant and secure everyday life.

When designing daycare facilities, it is based on the child's development, the staff's needs, and pedagogical principles. Both indoors and outdoors, we are committed to designing with a clear purpose:

  • Clear zones create security. 
  • A varied envi­ron­ment allows for differ­ent activ­i­ties and needs.
  • Good logis­tics provide educa­tors more time with the children.
  • A close connec­tion between indoor and outdoor spaces inspires to outdoor play.
  • Flex­i­ble arrange­ment grants free­dom for both chil­dren and adults.
  • A healthy indoor climate and good daylight condi­tions provide more happi­ness and fewer sick days.
  • Energy-effi­cient build­ings contribute to lower oper­a­tional costs.
  • …and much more.
The Child's Green Universe 30 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Common room
and group rooms
The Child's Green Universe 32 | Bjerg Arkitektur
The Child's Green Universe 34 | Bjerg Arkitektur

“When we show new parents around the house, they are always excited about the spacious­ness and differ­ent oppor­tu­ni­ties. In the lead­er­ship team, we are also thrilled about the new build­ing and the possi­bil­i­ties we now have for express­ing ourselves both peda­gog­i­cally, creatively, and with plenty of oppor­tu­ni­ties for phys­i­cal activity”

- Dorthe Hansen, deputy manager at Nord­lun­dens Idrætshus

The Child's Green Universe 36 | Bjerg Arkitektur


In nurs­eries and kinder­gartens, we are aware of chil­dren’s vari­ous pref­er­ences and needs. 

There should, for exam­ple, be space for move­ment and immersion.

“Through work­shops with the users, we iden­tify the specific needs regard­ing layout and spatial arrange­ment. Clar­ity and flex­i­bil­ity are impor­tant in a daycare insti­tu­tion. The rooms should evoke a sense of secu­rity in the child, but also inspire and nurture the imag­i­na­tion,” Maria Bjerg, archi­tect and part­ner at BJERG.



Our ambi­tions for sustain­abil­ity is high when design­ing daycare insti­tu­tions. It truly matters. For instance, it’s about future-proof­ing the build­ing by choos­ing healthy and resilient mate­ri­als, mini­miz­ing CO2 emis­sions and energy consump­tion, increas­ing biodi­ver­sity and approach­ing it from a holis­tic economic perspec­tive. But sustain­abil­ity, is also about creat­ing an envi­ron­ment where chil­dren and staff thrive. In other words, we incor­po­rate the users need into a respon­si­ble and future-proof design. We work with certi­fi­ca­tion schemes like DGNB, the Swan label, and BREEAM, and are partic­u­larly proud to have designed Denmark’s first DGNB Plat­inum kinder­garten.

At BJERG, we assist the client in achiev­ing their sustain­abil­ity ambi­tions and inspire them to think outside the box

The Child's Green Universe 38 | Bjerg Arkitektur
The Child's Green Universe 40 | Bjerg Arkitektur
The every­day life with vari­ous inspir­ing and func­tional niches. 


The Child's Green Universe 42 | Bjerg Arkitektur


Embark on adven­tures with BJERG-fessor in our mini-books.
which briefly describe and illus­trate an every­day life in the Child’s Green Universe.

On indoor adventure

On outdoor adventure



The Child's Green Universe 44 | Bjerg Arkitektur

Maria Bjerg Nørkjær

Archi­tect and partner 

+45 31 45 42 00

The Child's Green Universe 46 | Bjerg Arkitektur

Mark Krebs

Archi­tect and partner

+45 29 45 56 50