




Aalborg EN




Aalborg Kommune

The kinder­garten Karo­linelund is Denmark’s first kinder­garten with DGNB Plat­inum. It is the high­est stan­dard within the certi­fi­ca­tion system, and the construc­tion there­fore meets a wide range of crite­ria within sustain­abil­ity – includ­ing in rela­tion to energy opti­miza­tion, longevity, total econ­omy and materials.

The kinder­garten’s construc­tion and facade are made of wood, and have a green roof, which empha­sizes the design language of the build­ing, where the tran­si­tion between outside and inside is blurred. The kinder­garten is for 99 chil­dren and divided into three main volumes: two large groups and a service core with staff facil­i­ties. In the centre, a large common room is located with a direct and visual connec­tion to the outdoor areas with green islands for play and learning.

Karolinelunden 1 | Bjerg Arkitektur

The daycare “Børne­haven Karo­linelund” is located in the center of Aalborg in the city park “Karo­linelund”. The build­ing’s mate­ri­als and shape contribute to the kinder­garten blend­ing in natu­rally with its surround­ings. Depend­ing on where you view the facade from, you get a differ­ent expres­sion, which gives the build­ing a play­ful expression.

Karolinelunden 3 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Maria Bjerg Nørkjær

“The basic idea under­ly­ing the projec­t’s archi­tec­ture is that a kinder­garten is, by its very nature, one of the first devel­op­ment centers, where the foun­da­tion stone for our upbring­ing, social inter­ac­tion and learn­ing is laid. That is why we believe that good archi­tec­ture for chil­dren creates spaces that are chal­leng­ing, alive and full of invi­ta­tions to play and devel­op­ment – and also provide space for silence and contemplation.”

Maria Bjerg Nørkjær, architect


Karolinelunden 6 | Bjerg Arkitektur
graphic representation of the buildings' relationship to each other
Karolinelunden 9 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Karolinelunden 11 | Bjerg Arkitektur

Karolinelunden 13 | Bjerg Arkitektur


Karolinelunden 15 | Bjerg Arkitektur

The design of the kindergarten originates from the desire for a strong, unbroken relationship with the Karolinelund city park and the demand for the establishment of a noise barrier against the traffic. The main architectural concept is a modulation of the terrain from surface to room, where parts of the landscape are pushed down and others pulled up. Experience rooms have been worked on at several levels. The building meets the children both physically and figuratively at eye level. The children get a new spatial perspective and the level jumps help to create an inspiring and varied play and learning environment.

Karolinelunden 17 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Karolinelunden 19 | Bjerg Arkitektur


The archi­tec­ture is designed to take into account the chil­dren and their play – rather than the chil­dren having to take the build­ing into account in their play. The phys­i­cal surround­ings is flex­i­ble in a way that create space for both small and large commu­ni­ties. The design offers both oppor­tu­ni­ties for spon­ta­neous play and more planned activ­i­ties with a focus on sustain­able initia­tives as learn­ing about energy, ecol­ogy, cycles etc.

Karolinelunden 21 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Karolinelunden 23 | Bjerg Arkitektur