As archi­tects we have a huge respon­si­bil­ity when creat­ing designs that facil­i­tate life.
It truly matters.
That’s why at BJERG we’re ambi­tious and geeky; crazy busy
of creat­ing build­ings with added value. For us, that’s great,
if we can help create both joy and added value:
aesthetic, green and economical.


First movers

At BJERG, we are proud to have pioneered sustain­able and energy-effi­cient archi­tec­ture. Already 20 years ago we met the energy require­ments that the build­ing regu­la­tions now require, and today we actu­ally have several completed build­ings that meet the CO2 require­ments, which will first come into effect in ten years.

Our project, Fjor­dudsigten, where resi­dents moved into in Octo­ber 2021, is self-suffi­cient and has a carbon foot­print of only 3.1 kg/CO2/m2/year. In compar­i­son, the 2023 require­ment is 12 kg.

Our approach 1 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Our approach 3 | Bjerg Arkitektur


We create places where people say: “this is really a lovely space”. 

Whether we're designing a kindergarten for small children or developing an apartment complex for 100 families, for us it's all about making things uncomplicated and nice.

Aesthetics is the energy that drives us forward. People we work with say that we are good at creating the simple, and that which works well and is beautiful at the same time. We are very pleased to hear that.

“We think we succeed because we are
good at both rethink­ing and putting
a large part of our work into
inves­ti­gat­ing things thor­oughly.
Other­wise, we would never have

become so good at sustainability.”

- Kjeld Bjerg, CEO and founder

Our approach 5 | Bjerg Arkitektur

We create build­ings in balance

Our work is founded on four values:

- Aesthet­ics for inspi­ra­tion and joy of life.
- Well-being for the people who live in the facil­i­ties we create.
- Healthy finances in the projects which give us econ­omy for sustain­abil­ity.
- Climate as the stable foun­da­tion for BJERG’s think­ing and choices.

Our approach 7 | Bjerg Arkitektur


80 percent of our projects are ultra low energy — and we are moving towards 100.

BJERG is a frontrunner. With our many years of experience and employees who are great researchers, we have built up knowledge that makes us specialists within sustainable architecture. Energy-optimized construction is a topic near to our hearts, and has been our way of working for 20 years.

Today most of our projects are there­fore so-called ‘passive houses’,

which can be equated with ultra-low energy.
Here we are utilizing the sun's natural energy which means that we can both renovate to an energy saving of 90% and create new self-sufficient buildings with a CO2 footprint as low as 3,1 kg CO2/m2/year. In our work, we are very much inspired by the mantra:

“The most sustain­able energy is the one we don’t use” 


20 years ago we allowed ourselves to ‘brag in a humble Jutland way’ by putting a small green line in the right corner of our logo. Today, there is almost noth­ing that is not green.

When we at BJERG talk green, it means both taking into account a small family that comes with all their belong­ings — and it also means that we must act wisely on behalf of the entire planet. The construc­tion indus­try accounts for a big part of the world’s CO2 emis­sions. We are well aware of this and we know our responsibility.

So it does matter where that line is drawn.

Our approach 9 | Bjerg Arkitektur


At BJERG sustain­abil­ity is our big moti­va­tion — not our obsta­cle. We have the luxury of work­ing with what we are passion­ate about: Passive houses, energy reduc­tion, respon­si­ble choice of mate­ri­als, sustain­able docu­men­ta­tion, total econ­omy, nature restora­tion and much more. We have asso­ci­ated skilled researchers who provide us with the latest knowl­edge. Because we need it!