
Large wooden construction in Oslo




Korsvoll, Oslo




Oslobygg KF

To the delight for adults and chil­dren in Korsvoll near Oslo, a new local and long-awaited gath­er­ing place has opened. The house of almost 4,000 square meters is buzzing with life. There is both a sports hall, meet­ing facil­i­ties, an assem­bly room and a kinder­garten. It has been really excit­ing to be involved in creat­ing a place with many differ­ent options, users and needs.

The house has been designed so it fits well to the built-up area. It has a simple, modern and dark wooden facade. Inside, the char­ac­ter­is­tic load-bear­ing struc­ture in solid wood gives iden­tity to the building.

A good connec­tion has been created between the differ­ent func­tions of the house. In the kinder­garten, empha­sis is placed on a clear and flex­i­ble orga­ni­za­tion. You can screen off rooms and create differ­ent zones depend­ing on the activ­ity. The design takes into account the needs of both the chil­dren and the educa­tors, so that every­one has a safe every­day life.

Korsvollhallen 1 | Bjerg Arkitektur


BJERG was selected as archi­tect and sustain­abil­ity advi­sor because we could live up to the clien­t’s high prior­ity of sustain­abil­ity.
The multi­func­tional house is designed accord­ing to Passive House prin­ci­ples. By choos­ing envi­ron­men­tally friendly mate­ri­als such as solid wood (CLT), the CO2 emis­sions are reduced by 25% compared to a simi­lar building. 

The mate­ri­als also contribute to a healthy indoor climate and good acoustics. BJERG has carried out LCA (life cycle assess­ment) on the project. The green roof with sedum absorbs a large part of the rain­wa­ter and thus relieves the sewage system.

Korsvollhallen 3 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Picture of Tove Lauluten
Korsvollhallen 5 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Picture of Tove Lauluten
Korsvollhallen 7 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Picture of Tove Lauluten