Hareskovby Daycare









Furesø Kommune

The land­scape forms the frame­work for the low-energy kinder­garten. In the design, there is a focus on an over­all impres­sion, in the inter­ac­tion between the house and nature. The kinder­garten’s design, loca­tion and design, which almost embraces the land­scape, has been based on preserv­ing all the trees on the 3,953 m² plot.

The build­ing is 918 square meters and houses up to 100 nurs­ery and kinder­garten chil­dren, who, among other things, has access to outdoor kitchen, covered exper­i­men­ta­r­ium, green­house and amphitheater.

The kinder­garten complies with the 2020 energy frame­work, and there­fore has a very low heat­ing require­ment, which mini­mizes the oper­at­ing costs for heating.

Hareskovby Daycare 1 | Bjerg Arkitektur


The total volume of the build­ing is purely visu­ally divided by cracks and breaks in the main form, which is surrounded by the trees of the site, where play­ful touches and the small scale for chil­dren arise.

On the facades, prior­ity is given to natural and robust mate­ri­als that can with­stand active use. The brick construc­tion of the facade is inspired by and inscribes itself archi­tec­turally in the surround­ing resi­den­tial quar­ter, and the green roof under­lines the design language of the build­ing, where the tran­si­tion between outside and inside is blurred. Wooden slats are used on the outside shed, outdoor kitchen and lounge.

In addi­tion to solar cells, green roofs and an intel­li­gent venti­la­tion system, daylight is an impor­tant part of the energy-effi­cient design. The sun’s heat is utilized via large window sections and skylights.

The project was made in collab­o­ra­tion with Lund & Staun, Sloth­Møller Engi­neers and IN’BY Land­scape Architects.

Hareskovby Daycare 3 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Hareskovby Daycare 5 | Bjerg Arkitektur