Glad­saxe Børne­hus (Daycare)









Gladsaxe Kommune

It’s every­day life in kinder­garten at Glad­saxe Sports Complex.
Here it hums with life and activ­ity. A place where chil­dren and staff can say: “It’s nice to be here”. It is the kinder­garten by the hill with the land­scape as the chang­ing frame­work for a green and adven­tur­ous every­day life. Here, the play­ful learn­ing is adapted to the chil­dren’s stage of development.

The build­ing was designed with a view to becom­ing Swan-labelled, and there­fore the daycare is also char­ac­ter­ized by being a healthy build­ing with a good indoor climate and low energy consumption.

Glad­saxe Kinder­garten is expected to be completed in spring 2024.



Gladsaxe Børnehus (Daycare) 1 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Gladsaxe Børnehus (Daycare) 3 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Gladsaxe Børnehus (Daycare) 5 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Gladsaxe Børnehus (Daycare) 7 | Bjerg Arkitektur

We imag­ine Glad­saxe Chil­dren’s Home person­i­fied as an armadillo: a small soft but strong animal. The armadillo has seen what a nice place the café garden is. That is why it has found the perfect place in the sun and dug into the hill — to be able to lie warm and safe.

Based on the notion of the soft but strong, we have worked with a very conscious vari­a­tion of activ­ity levels and zones in the design of the daycare. In the outdoor area, from the high level of activ­ity on the play­ground to the west to the quieter arrivals area to the east. In the nurs­ery’s inte­rior, the dynamic moves from the active common rooms and arrival areas to the north to the quiet niches by the view in the group rooms and the ‘shelf’ in the hill to the south.

Gladsaxe Børnehus (Daycare) 9 | Bjerg Arkitektur

The land­scape plays an impor­tant role in the design, as the house is built into the hill so that the public path that connects the area today can be contin­ued over the roof. The green path above the house creates a unique expres­sion for the daycare. 

The hill is “cut over”, and the soil is used to fill in the old loca­tion of the basin. To preserve the green expres­sion, the roof is made with sedum supported by a wooden struc­ture. On the connec­tion above the roof, small trays with roof plants are estab­lished for the expe­ri­ence of a green space when moving over the building. 

To the south you have a peace­ful view over the ball fields at Glad­saxe Stadium, and to the north are the play­ground and the café garden’s many offer­ings. The build­ing’s north and south facades are made of wood, while the east and west facades are made of a harder mate­r­ial to mark the tran­si­tion and inter­ac­tion with the land­scape’s retain­ing walls.

The bridge connects the hill and the build­ing. Here you can move around the day care on foot and by bike.

Gladsaxe Børnehus (Daycare) 11 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Gladsaxe Børnehus (Daycare) 13 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Gladsaxe Børnehus (Daycare) 15 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Gladsaxe Børnehus (Daycare) 17 | Bjerg Arkitektur


Gladsaxe Børnehus (Daycare) 19 | Bjerg Arkitektur

In the plan, you can see how the day care center is clearly divided into zones. With the group rooms to the south and the common rooms to the north, a natural grada­tion is created from the high activ­ity on the play­ground to the oppor­tu­nity for more quiet activ­i­ties on the south­ern terrace.

Gladsaxe Børnehus (Daycare) 21 | Bjerg Arkitektur


The daycare’s total area is approx. 1,360 m², and outdoor areas with play­ground and surround­ing areas of approx. 3,000 m². There is room for 8 groups, one of which is for chil­dren with special needs. In addi­tion to group rooms, the heart of the build­ing is centrally located in the build­ing: the large common room, which is directly connected to the kitchen, chil­dren’s kitchen, main entrance, activ­ity room, offices and staff facilities.

Gladsaxe Børnehus (Daycare) 23 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Gladsaxe Børnehus (Daycare) 25 | Bjerg Arkitektur


Gladsaxe Børnehus (Daycare) 27 | Bjerg Arkitektur