Hjør­ring Gymnasium





Skolevangen. Hjørring




Hjørring Kommune

As archi­tects, a great respon­si­bil­ity comes with design­ing schools. The phys­i­cal frame­work for teach­ing is crucial for students’ learn­ing and well-being. And we take that respon­si­bil­ity seri­ously – as with the reno­va­tion, conver­sion and exten­sion of Hjør­ring Gymnasium.

From 2012, BJERG has been the total consul­tant on the project over several stages. The goal has always been a modern­iza­tion and energy opti­miza­tion of the school’s build­ings. The conver­sions and exten­sions are built accord­ing to the passive house standard.

Through­out the project, there has been user involve­ment with both teach­ers, admin­is­tra­tive staff and students. The user group presented their wishes and needs during a review of the build­ing and then BJERG prepared ideas and sketches with subse­quent adjust­ments accord­ing to the user group’s wishes and needs.

Hjørring Gymnasium 1 | Bjerg Arkitektur

Reno­va­tion, conver­sion and exten­sion of Hjør­ring Gymna­sium involved:

  • New presentable main entrance and foyer area.
  • New rooms for the creative subjects such as music rooms and drama room.
  • A new large auditorium.
  • Multi­me­dia laboratory.
  • Party hall.
  • Reno­vated sports halls and chang­ing facilities.
Hjørring Gymnasium 3 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Hjørring Gymnasium 5 | Bjerg Arkitektur


Both the reno­va­tion and exten­sions are designed based on the prin­ci­ples of passive house construc­tion, which means that the high school
energy consump­tion is reduced consid­er­ably. This is due, among other things, to a well-insu­lated build­ing enve­lope, timber cladding and large window sections.
The narrow hori­zon­tal wood panels create a harmo­nious and modern look, and glass sections signal open­ness and make every­day life from the schoole visi­ble.

Hjørring Gymnasium 7 | Bjerg Arkitektur


By reno­vat­ing and rebuild­ing Hjør­ring Gymna­sium,
we have created modern, opti­mal educa­tional
frame­works with a healthy indoor climate
with vari­ous measures. This includes, among other things: 

  • Large energy-effi­cient window sections that provide lots of daylight and opens the build­ing to the outdoors.
  • Mechan­i­cal venti­la­tion system that constantly provides fresh air.
  • Highly insu­lated walls that ensure a good indoor climate.
  • Differ­ent learn­ing zones where it is possi­ble to sepa­rate noisy and less noisy activities.
  • Healthy and natural mate­ri­als – e.g. linoleum and wood.
  • Open and bright rooms with good acoustics.
Hjørring Gymnasium 9 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Hjørring Gymnasium 11 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Hjørring Gymnasium 13 | Bjerg Arkitektur

“The frame­work for teach­ing
is just as impor­tant as
the qual­ity of teach­ing.
We see it as our noblest
task to develop
healthy learn­ing envi­ron­ments
where both students
and teach­ers thrive”

Mark Krebs, architect 

The music extension with new main entrance, music and drama facilities, as well as service facilities and auditorium etc. has been awarded the Hjørring Municipality Architecture Award 2014. The evaluation was:

"A successful extension which ties the high school's existing buildings together nicely and forms a new welcoming facade and entrance. A sympathetic and harmonious extension that has been thoroughly worked out functionally and aesthetically. The extension stands out with good material effect and with many fine details.”

Hjørring Gymnasium 15 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Hjørring Gymnasium 17 | Bjerg Arkitektur

Hjørring Gymnasium 19 | Bjerg Arkitektur