Hjør­ring Stadium








Hjørring Kommune

Hjør­ring New Stadium built by Hjør­ring Munic­i­pal­ity in collab­o­ra­tion with Hjør­ring Private Real­skole and VUC&HF Nord­jyl­land involves the construc­tion of 2 halls and stadium facil­i­ties on the same loca­tion as the old Hjør­ring Stadium.

The project involved two sports halls, teach­ing and meet­ing rooms, chang­ing rooms and other stadium facil­i­ties. It is listed as a passive house construc­tion, and must also meet the rele­vant crite­ria from the sustain­able DGNB certification.
During the entire process, BJERG has been the clien­t’s advi­sor with initial user involve­ment in the form of several work­shops and inter­views with the vari­ous parties, which ulti­mately resulted in a construc­tion program with a detailed descrip­tion of func­tions and require­ments for the construc­tion. BJERG has also prepared tender mate­ri­als for public tenders. Subse­quently, the design studio carried out a public tender with pre-qual­i­fi­ca­tion, eval­u­a­tion of offers and recom­men­da­tions to the builders, with final conclu­sion of the contract with the general contractor.

During the construc­tion phase, BJERG has contin­ued to work as the clien­t’s advi­sor and has there­fore acted as a link between the client and the contrac­tor and has been in charge of supervision.


Hjørring Stadium 1 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Hjørring Stadium 3 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Hjørring Stadium 5 | Bjerg Arkitektur