Prins­dals­bråten Barne­hage (Daycare)









Omsorgsbyg, Oslo Kommune

Prins­dals­bråten nurs­ery school is designed based on absolute archi­tec­tural qual­ity adapted to the surround­ing scenic surround­ings. The kinder­garten is on two floors with a partial base­ment to free up as much floor space as possi­ble for outdoor play and living for the chil­dren. There is room for 108 chil­dren spread over 6 bases. The kinder­garten is built accord­ing to the Norwe­gian ‘plus house stan­dard’. This means that the build­ing produces more energy than it consumes.

The use of mate­ri­als is adapted to the build­ing’s func­tion as a kinder­garten. They have been chosen on the basis of a mission to reduce CO2 emis­sions, create an opti­mal indoor climate and bring differ­ent surfaces and colors into play, which appeal to the children.

Prinsdalsbråten Barnehage (Daycare) 1 | Bjerg Arkitektur


From the outside, the wooden cladding on the facade varies in three different densities, which helps to separate the children's bases from common functions and staff zones.
To make it easy for the children to recognize which entrance they belong to, the back walls are marked with different colours. The facade thus appears simple, robust and aesthetically pleasing. It also has a differentiated expression depending on the angle from which you look.

The design of the sustainable kindergarten shows consideration for climate, energy and the environment, which provides an overall economic advantage. As a starting point, a building has been created with a minimal need for added energy, so that the building itself is as independent as possible from additional energy input. In addition, the location and orientation of the windows are utilized so that an active solar contribution is achieved, which together with the compact and rational design of the building makes it possible to create a plus house by adding a smaller solar cell area on the roof.

Prinsdalsbråten Barnehage (Daycare) 3 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Prinsdalsbråten Barnehage (Daycare) 5 | Bjerg Arkitektur