




Ringkøbing K




Ringkøbing-Skjern Boligforening

BJERG Arkitek­tur has designed the social hous­ing “Fjor­dudsigten”, which is part of the new beau­ti­ful nature district Ringkøbing K. The 80 houses is designed accord­ing to passive house-plus prin­ci­ples and is thus char­ac­ter­ized by using very little energy. In fact, the homes here produce more energy than they consume.
“Fjor­dudsigten” is a lead­ing exam­ple of how public hous­ing can be built with a mini­mal CO2 foot­print with­out exceed­ing the price and with­out compro­mis­ing on qual­ity, longevity and well-being. The first stage of Fjord­view consisted of 47 homes and was ready for occu­pancy in Octo­ber 2021. The second stage of construc­tion with 33 more homes started in August 2022.

Ringkøbing K and Fjordudsigten from above.


Many new build­ings aim to save energy. At this project we have gone a step further and aimed for the build­ing to produce more energy than it consumes. The propor­tion of solar energy produced is there­fore greater than the homes’ needs due to the build­ing’s construc­tion and abil­ity to retain heat. The surplus from the solar system is stored in batter­ies so that it can be used in the dark months.
The resi­dent in the passive houses achieves an attrac­tive energy saving of 63% compared to a Danish aver­age consump­tion for homes of the same size.

Fjordudsigten 2 | Bjerg Arkitektur


The homes are part of the Nature district “Ringkøbing K”, which completes part of a new future-proof resi­den­tial area of 84 hectares with a total of 1000 homes. The build­ing is designed with close contact to the domi­nant meadow and coastal land­scape at Ringkøbing Fjord for the bene­fit of resi­dents and the environment.

Fjordudsigten 4 | Bjerg Arkitektur
The buildings south facade with large windows give a lot of daylight and heat up the houses.
South facade
Fjordudsigten 7 | Bjerg Arkitektur


higher CO2 savings

accord­ing to the build­ing regu­la­tions
require­ments in 2023. 

The facades materials are back slate and wood which hove a nice contrast
Søren Dietz, architect and sustainability adviser in the project.

The homes' CO2 emissions are 74% lower than the building regulations' new requirements in 2023. More precisely, LCA calculations show, that the homes have a CO2 emission of just 3.1 kg CO2e /m2 each year. In comparison the Danish requirements are 12. It was not a criterion from the client, but an ambition from BJERG, because we want to show it is possible to reduce CO2 emissions significantly with a simple design. Fjordudsigten is an example of how we put action behind our words. We take the green line and our responsibility in the industry serious"

- Søren Riis Dietz, architect
The figure show that BJERG is ahead the future legal requirements for CO2 emission.

There are several things that contribute to hous­ing with a low CO2 foot­print, and it is mainly about reduc­ing the need for energy. Already by deci­sions in the very early design phase, CO2 emis­sions are signif­i­cantly reduced. The south-facing orien­ta­tion of rooms and windows means that you make full use of the sun’s heat. The solar heat­ing energy signif­i­cantly reduces the house’s total energy demand, as the need for arti­fi­cial light and heat­ing is mini­mized. In addi­tion, good daylight is ensured inside which is partic­u­larly impor­tant during the winter period.

Energy demand and CO2 emis­sions are further mini­mized due to the homes’ tight and well-insu­lated build­ing enve­lope. Even if the addi­tional insu­la­tion gives a slightly increased CO2 consump­tion, it can still be worth it, as the CO2 from the heat energy savings is 15 times higher. The dense build­ing enve­lope also results in a healthy indoor climate. The mate­ri­als, wood and slate, and the green elec­tric­ity supply of the homes also contribute to CO2 reduction.

Fjordudsigten 12 | Bjerg Arkitektur



BJERG has made climate adap­ta­tion with design for a 100-year cloud­burst event. We have worked with a LAR climate project on the surface. LAR rain­wa­ter chan­nels draw the wild nature in between the build­ings, and at the same time make it possi­ble to climate-proof the build­ings. LAR rain­wa­ter chan­nels are dimen­sioned with the natural terrain, and slope and volume are opti­mized for cloud­burst events.

Fjordudsigten 14 | Bjerg Arkitektur