New Parish Hall in St. Olai Parish

Contemporary common house








Sct Olai Menighedsråd

The vision of St. Olai parish commu­nity centre in Hjør­ring was to create a flex­i­ble house for an active parish life. A house where every­one feels welcome and where there is room for cultural events and church activities. 

The new parish commu­nity centre has been designed accord­ing to the wishes of the parish coun­cil and the users. It was impor­tant that the house has space for vari­ous activ­i­ties for all age groups. Great acoustics and light condi­tions were also high priority.

The build­ing has energy-effi­cient construc­tions, sustain­able certi­fied mate­ri­als and solar cells.

New Parish Hall in St. Olai Parish 1 | Bjerg Arkitektur


The archi­tec­ture is signif­i­cant with a char­ac­ter­is­tic gable motif, where differ­ent roof pitches create a special dynamic. The long side of the house has a steep roof pitch, which creates a cathe­dral-like atmos­phere inside the hall. From the outside, the house is friendly and welcom­ing with clas­sic, reddish brick surfaces that create a dynamic expres­sion. Inside, the red bricks inter­play with white brick surfaces. Poetic light and moods are a deci­sive theme in the parish commu­nity centre, which is logi­cally struc­tured around a large foyer that creates a connec­tion to all the build­ing’s many rooms.

“We have expe­ri­enced a very personal guid­ance with a very creative and listen­ing approach […] The joy is being able to see a result arise, and it is reward­ing to be able to get a collab­o­ra­tion going between profes­sional advis­ers and coun­cil members.”

– Chair­man of St. Olai parish coun­cilor Kurt Madsen.

New Parish Hall in St. Olai Parish 3 | Bjerg Arkitektur
New Parish Hall in St. Olai Parish 5 | Bjerg Arkitektur
New Parish Hall in St. Olai Parish 7 | Bjerg Arkitektur
New Parish Hall in St. Olai Parish 9 | Bjerg Arkitektur