Green Instru­ments









Green Instruments

From dark and worn office facil­i­ties to bright and healthy surround­ings. Green Instru­ments needed a new main build­ing and remod­el­ing of their head­quar­ters in Brøn­der­slev. As a total consul­tant, BJERG has designed more modern and energy-opti­mized office spaces. The exten­sion is designed accord­ing to the passive house prin­ci­ples with a compact two-level build­ing. With a large south-facing glass facade, the employ­ees are guar­an­teed daylight and the passive solar heat is utilized for heat­ing. The glass facade also allows employ­ees and guests to enjoy the view of the open coun­try to the south.

Green Instruments 1 | Bjerg Arkitektur


“As a passive house, we expect that the office will contribute to the opti­miza­tion of energy and create a comfort­able and reward­ing result for both employ­ees and the climate. We also expect that the new admin­is­tra­tion build­ing will contribute to cement­ing Green Instru­ments’ pres­ence in the local commu­nity,” says Green Instru­ments’ direc­tor, Oluf Sigh.

The new exten­sion with an open office envi­ron­ment acts as a busi­ness card for the company by allow­ing the company to be much more visi­ble from the road to the south. In addi­tion to being on two levels, the new exten­sion visu­ally differs from the other build­ings, which house produc­tion and stor­age, by having eter­nit-clad facades. The new main entrance is marked in cladding with a darker facade plate.

In the exten­sion, empha­sis has been placed on fitting the new build­ing in with the other build­ings, while at the same time visu­ally clar­i­fy­ing the divi­sion between admin­is­tra­tion and produc­tion to visi­tors in particular.

BJERG Archi­tec­ture has, as total advi­sor, i.a. respon­si­ble for energy design, calcu­la­tions, mate­r­ial selec­tion, plan­ning in collab­o­ra­tion with contrac­tors and supervision.

“The coop­er­a­tion with BJERG Arkitek­tur has been extremely satis­fac­tory to date. BJERG Arkitek­tur has been will­ing to coop­er­ate in all respects, listened to our needs and objec­tions, and taken the wishes of all employ­ees into consid­er­a­tion,” says Oluf Sigh.

Green Instruments 3 | Bjerg Arkitektur