









How do you convert an older town hall into public sustain­able housing?
Both above, inside and next to Smørum’s former Town Hall, you will find 86 vision­ary and respon­si­ble public hous­ing. BJERG’s total consul­tancy thus included both new construc­tion and a total renovation.

The former Smørum Town Hall has been converted into 24 apart­ments with their own gardens and court­yards. The build­ing enve­lope is opti­mized, based on passive house prin­ci­ples, corre­spond­ing to ultra-low energy. Upstairs and next to the town hall, 23 and 39 apart­ments with their own roof terraces, balconies or gardens have been built, respec­tively, in light wooden modules.

Rådhuslunden 1 | Bjerg Arkitektur

Rådhuslunden 3 | Bjerg Arkitektur

The concept for Rådhus­lun­den is flex­i­ble and dynamic homes. There­fore, one day a home must be able to create the frame­work for a single person and the next day be home to a family with two chil­dren. The ambi­tion was also healthy and inspir­ing hous­ing, which had to be cheap to build and cheap to operate.

Rådhuslunden, Smørum - Bjerg Architecture

The build­ing has a dynamic expres­sion with the vary­ing projec­tions between the dwellings. With hori­zon­tal wooden panels, vari­a­tion in facade elements and tight lines, an excit­ing and modern expres­sion emerges. At the old town hall, the load-bear­ing struc­ture with the clas­sic red bricks and the distinc­tive concrete element has been preserved.

The entire area is laid out with smaller mean­der­ing paths and rain­wa­ter beds, which tie the vari­ous smaller local envi­ron­ments of the build­ings together, and at the same time links it with the surround­ing city.

Modu­lar building

Rådhuslunden 6 | Bjerg Arkitektur

Rådhus­lun­den is being built as a modu­lar build­ing, which is composed of “bricks” of the same basic size, but each in its own mate­r­ial, which precisely empha­sizes the modu­lar nature of the construc­tion. The “blocks” can be put together in differ­ent ways, thus creat­ing differ­ent home sizes. The apart­ments are varied in five differ­ent sizes from 38.5 m² to 110.5 m².

The facade elements have a flex­i­ble mount­ing system, so they can also be easily replaced if neces­sary. Modu­lar construc­tion not only facil­i­tates construc­tion, but also ensures an advan­ta­geous over­all econ­omy through an opti­mized and indus­trial approach to the construc­tion process, trans­port and assembly.

Rådhuslunden 8 | Bjerg Arkitektur


Rådhuslunden 10 | Bjerg Arkitektur

“At the office, we are very concerned meet­ing differ­ent and vary­ing needs now and in the future. In a large part of the apart­ments, fold­ing walls provide extra flex­i­bil­ity. In this way, the homes can easily go from having one to three rooms”

Carsten Wraae, architect

Rådhuslunden 12 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Rådhuslunden 14 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Rådhuslunden 16 | Bjerg Arkitektur
Rådhuslunden 18 | Bjerg Arkitektur


The mechanism for the settlement is intended as a "self-sufficient" system, where you utilize nature's free resources such as the sun and rainwater. The homes' need for added heat is reduced to a minimum due to a compact design, thermal bridge-free constructions and a well-insulated climate screen.

Rådhuslunden 20 | Bjerg Arkitektur